Governments without God


Tony Magliano’s column, “Catholic social teaching: Resurrect our best-kept secret” (CR, April 19) can only work if all people are Christian and the person running the government is of God, like Jesus, and not of man.

The teachings of the Catholic Church sound very similar to communism, with the exception that actual communist countries’ governments are atheist and godless. Jesus’ communism is a perfect world if run by him, but you will never have that by any government operated by humans, the difference being that Jesus had no “evil” undermining and intentions in him, something that can’t be said with any other communist or fascist government in history.

People blessed with wealth have a responsibility to share their wealth, but by their own consciences, not mandated by government control. Jesus himself did not demand it during his time, but gave the rich son a choice.

Corruption and immorality breeds poverty, and until every person realizes this and, rich or poor, Christian or non-Christian, raise themselves as well as their children to higher moral standards again, there will always be injustice in this country.


Sharon Kahl

Delta, Pa.

Kahl is a parishioner of St. Ignatius, Hickory.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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