Feast of All Saints falls on a Saturday this year

By Catholic Review Staff
The Solemnity of All Saints, a feast day in the Catholic Church honoring saints known and unknown, is Nov. 1. The feast, rooted in the early centuries of the church, gives members of the Catholic community an opportunity to venerate the saints, to pray to them in a special way for assistance with life’s troubles, to learn about their lives of Christian witness and follow their examples of faith.
Typically All Saints day is a holy day of obligation, however, because the feast falls this year on a Saturday, Catholics are not obligated to attend an additional Mass for its observance.
In the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the obligation to attend Mass on All Saints Day is maintained every year except for those in which the feast falls on a Saturday or Monday.
Masses celebrated Nov. 1 will commemorate All Saints Day, and Masses celebrated Nov. 2 will commemorate All Souls’ Day, when Catholics remember all the faithful departed. 
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Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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