Father Martin appointed to pastoral ministry

Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien has appointed Father Raymond D. Martin to St. John, Westminster, as associate pastor for pastoral care at Carroll Hospital Center and The Dove House Hospice in Westminster effective March 24.

Monsignor Arthur Valenzano, St. John’s pastor, said Father Martin will supplement pastoral outreach already being provided by the parish for Catholic patients there. The pastor noted that the parish also has a “wonderful working relationship” with the Rev. Judy Strayer, the hospital’s chaplain.

“Father Martin will be able to spend more time seeing patients than our priests are able to do now,” said Monsignor Valenzano. “It will be especially helpful for patients who want to receive the sacraments of Anointing of the Sick or confession.”

Carroll Hospital Center is a large, 216-bed hospital employing 1,750 – the second-largest employer in Carroll County.

Born in Ireland, Father Martin grew up in St. Mary of the Assumption, Govans. Ordained in 1994, he served as associate pastor of Holy Trinity, Glen Burnie and Church of the Resurrection, Ellicott City. He then served as pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Baltimore, later also leading the parishes of St. Mary Star of the Sea and Holy Cross in Baltimore. He has been on a leave of absence for the last several months. Father Martin could not be reached for comment by press time.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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