Father Breighner readers deliver good news

In today’s economic environment we all find ourselves faced not only with financial challenges, but faith challenges. Father Joseph Breighner’s column (CR, Sept. 16), “Assist Little Sisters; Challenge Father Joe,” asked readers to challenge his faith and fulfill his dream of being a philanthropist. We are happy to report that he is succeeding in his faith challenge. Father Joe hand-delivered 47 checks to St. Martin’s Home in Catonsville. His contributions, so far, have totaled $5,000. This generous support is a blessing and a sign of God’s love.

Whether Father Joe realizes it or not, he has been a philanthropist for some time. By definition philanthropy is the act of putting forth effort to increase the well-being of humankind. If Father Joe never gives another penny, he will always remain a philanthropist for the needy elderly of Maryland and a benefactor of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

We thank Father Joe and the editors of The Catholic Review for running this column and we thank all those who responded so generously to his appeal.

We owe a debt of gratitude to our elders, who we value and remember for their years of experience and gift of wisdom. In the words of our foundress, St. Jeanne Jugan, “Never forget that the poor are Our Lord; in caring for the poor say to yourself: This is for my Jesus – what a great grace!”

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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