Adult Formation Resource Recommendations

Ascension Press

Many of our parishes use Ascension Press programs for Bible Study, adult faith formation, youth ministry and more.

The Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University

The Catechetical Institute helps train and support catechists (clergy, professional, volunteer, parents, and others) through  conferences, online workshops, videos, audio, personal mentorship, and more.


A number of our parishes are subscribed to this digital platform, which give parishioners free access to video series, audio presentations, feature films, and e-books.  Formed also includes movies for children.

The Institute of Catholic Culture

Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, The Institute of Catholic Culture is an adult catechetical organization, dedicated to the Church’s call for a new evangelization.

Lighthouse Catholic Media

Lighthouse helps Catholics understand, live, and share their faith through video study programs, books, audio presentations, and more.  Lighthouse also has materials for children.

Magis Center

The online home of Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., offers a wealth of free resources related to God, Faith, science, suffering, reality, and the person of Jesus Christ.

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

A research and educational institute promoting transformative scripture study in the Catholic tradition.

Discipleship Quads

“Go and make disciples of all nations,” Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew. To assist Catholics in answering this call, the Christian Outreach Office of Franciscan University of Steubenville offers Discipleship Quads, an initiative designed to lead groups of four people through a year-long journey of discipleship. 

Walking with Purpose

Do you have a heart for other women and a desire to connect them at your parish…to meet women where they are and draw them closer to Christ? Walking with Purpose, a women’s Catholic Bible study ministry,  provides leadership training, administrative tools and mentoring support — all at no cost to a parish — to create Bible study programs that transform hearts and create community for women at all stages of their spiritual journeys.  To find out more about bringing Walking with Purpose to your parsh, please visit:

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