Almost all events submitted – if they are sponsored by a Catholic parish, school or other organization in the Archdiocese of Baltimore – will be featured in the online calendar.

A human monitor will approve submissions for posting.

Events submitted by the first of the month prior to the month of the event may be considered for the print edition of Catholic Review magazine (e.g., by Jan. 1 for publication in the February magazine). So that all entities in the archdiocese have a fair opportunity to be listed in the limited space in the print publication, entities will be limited to no more than two in each calendar month print edition. If more than two have been submitted, Catholic Review Media staff will decide which items to publish, at their discretion.

Calendar of Events

S Sun

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

4 events,

Blessed Carlo Acutis Camping Retreat

Sunday Evening Vespers

2 events,


Lower School Open House at SJS-Fullerton

2 events,

Parish Mission at SS. Philip and James with Array of Hope

5 events,


Lenten Bible Study Course


Filipino Fiesta

5 events,

Women’s Survivors Retreat


Fish Fry


Mary Poppins – The Musical

10 events,

Marriage Workshop: Strengthening Your Love Marriage Renewal Workshop


CHOSEN Vocations Retreat for Young Women

6 events,


Mary Poppins – The Musical

Sunday Evening Vespers

3 events,

Passion Walk

Passion Walk


Come Away and Rest Awhile

3 events,

Carroll Lecture – Gender and the Sacramentality of the Body

4 events,


Lenten Bible Study Course

Tenebrae Service

5 events,


Jesus’ Suffering: A Lenten Day Retreat


Empty Bowls – Candlelight and Clay


Mary Poppins – The Musical

6 events,


UNBOUND: A Lenten Retreat


Empty Bowls – Annual Family Event

7 events,


Palm Sunday Parish Family Breakfast


Mary Poppins – The Musical


J.S. Bach: St John’s Passion

1 event,

0 events,

1 event,


Lenten Bible Study Course

1 event,

Triduum Retreat: μένο (meno)

1 event,

0 events,

1 event,


Online Evening Prayer with Young Adults

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,


Designer Bag and Cash Bingo

4 events,


Looking at Loss – Day Retreat


See Beyond Festival

1 event,


Bull and Oyster Roast

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

4 events,


Healing the Father Wound Retreat


Matrimony & The Mysteries of the Rosary Retreat for Couples

En español »