St. Joseph Catholic Community; Drive-Through Lenten Friday Dinner
St. Joseph Catholic Community 915 Liberty Road, Eldersburg, MDPre-Orders are recommended but not required.
Order Online:
Almost all events submitted – if they are sponsored by a Catholic parish, school or other organization in the Archdiocese of Baltimore – will be featured in the online calendar. A human monitor will approve submissions for posting. Events submitted by the first of the month prior to the month of the event may be considered for the print edition of Catholic Review magazine (e.g., by Jan. 1 for publication in the February magazine). So that all entities in the archdiocese have a fair opportunity to be listed in the limited space in the print publication, entities will be limited to no more than two in each calendar month print edition. If more than two have been submitted, Catholic Review Media staff will decide which items to publish, at their discretion.
Pre-Orders are recommended but not required.
Order Online:
Drive through and carry out a sensational fish dinner any Friday during Lent!
The 2021 Fish Dinners will be TAKE-OUT only. Meals will consist of one fish (fried pollack or baked tilapia), Mac-n-Cheese, green beans, coleslaw, dinner roll, butter, tartar sauce and cocktail sauce.
Orders will be taken in advance either online or via order form.
Join Ralph Martin on four consecutive Sundays in Lent for a live online Lenten Mission on inspiring wisdom from the greatest spiritual teachers in the Church
Loyola University Maryland will host a series of virtual conversations, “Public Writing/Private Perceptions: The Vexed Issues Surrounding Flannery O’Connor and Race,” this spring.
Loyola University Maryland’s Sellinger School of Business and Management will present Building a Better World Through Business, an annual series of events celebrating ways that businesses create sustainable economic and social development in their communities. Events in the series will be held virtually and take place on March 3, 10, and 24, 2021. All events are free and open to the public, but registration is required.
Curbside pick up at Kilduff Hall
Every Friday During Lent February 19th through April 2nd 4-7pm