Quo Vadis 2024

St. Mary's Seminary 5400 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD

Quo Vadis is a four-day camp hosted by the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. It is open to any young man of high-school-age (eighth-grade grads through recent high-school-grads) who wants Christ and the Church to be a part of his life. What does it accomplish? Young men will be encouraged to persevere in prayer, service, […]

Night of Prayer & Adoration for Hispanic Young Adults – Gran Noche de Oración y Adoración Juvenil

St. Philip Neri 6405 S. Orchard Rd., Linthicum Heights, MD

The office for Hispanic Ministry in collaboration with the Office for Vocations will be sponsoring a night of prayer and adoration at St. Philip Neri on Saturday July 13, 2024 - Picnic starts at 5:00 p.m., followed by prayer and adoration at 7:00 p.m. Invitamos a todos los Jóvenes a participar de esta noche de […]