Almost all events submitted – if they are sponsored by a Catholic parish, school or other organization in the Archdiocese of Baltimore – will be featured in the online calendar.

A human monitor will approve submissions for posting.

Events submitted by the first of the month prior to the month of the event may be considered for the print edition of Catholic Review magazine (e.g., by Jan. 1 for publication in the February magazine). So that all entities in the archdiocese have a fair opportunity to be listed in the limited space in the print publication, entities will be limited to no more than two in each calendar month print edition. If more than two have been submitted, Catholic Review Media staff will decide which items to publish, at their discretion.

Step By Step: A Way of the Cross in Contemplative Song

St. Vincent de Paul Church 120 North Front Street, Baltimore, MD

Step By Step: A Way of the Cross in Contemplative Song – On Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 7 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Church is hosting a unique sung Stations of the Cross. Experience a music-rich service in the style of Taizé, featuring beautiful songs and reflective prayers. Come early; doors open at 6:30 p.m. […]

Parish Mission at SS. Philip and James with Array of Hope

Ss. Philip and James Catholic Church 2801 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD

Parish Mission at SS. Philip and James with Array of Hope – You are invited to SS. Philip and James Church for an upcoming parish mission on the evening of April 1-3 for a Eucharistic Revival Mission with Array of Hope. Each evening beginning at 7:00 p.m. will focus preaching on different aspects of the Eucharist, […]

St. Mary’s Piano Concert

St. Mary's Seminary & University 5400 Roland Avenue, Baltimore

Get your tickets here! Piano Concert at St. Mary's Seminary & University Saturday, April 5, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Rev. Paul Maillet & Vladimir Stroupel in a special concert of 4-hand repertoire Works by Mozart, Schubert, and Fauré  

J.S. Bach: St John’s Passion

Baltimore Basilica 409 Cathedral St, Baltimore, MD

We invite you to experience the profound musical journey of J.S. Bach's St. John Passion on Palm Sunday at the Baltimore Basilica, America's First Cathedral. Join us for an unforgettable afternoon where Bach's intricate composition unfolds, blending expressive arias, chorales, and choruses to recount the story of Christ's Passion. Led by Baltimore Basilica Music Director […]

Feast of Bl. Giles of Assisi: Little Portion Farm Spring Festival

Little Portion Farm 12280 Folly Quarter Rd, Ellicott City, Maryland

Each spring, Little Portion Farm hosts a spring celebration around the time of the Feast Day of Blessed Giles of Assisi on April 23. As a manual laborer who gave his harvest to the poor and an early companion of St. Francis, Blessed Giles embodied what we strive to do on the farm. This event […]

Sock Hop (Knights of Columbus)

St. John Westminster Church 43 Monroe Street, Westminster MD 21157, MD

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Council #1393 Join the Knights for their annual Sock Hop in the Portico! Pizza, sodas, and dancing to DJ Steve Leon make it a party you can’t miss. BYOB! $18 Individual $30 Couple $50 Family $150 Table of Ten Gold Group: Donate $250+ and receive 10 tickets AND 10 […]

$18 – $50

Jacqueline Pollauf Concert – Inspire the Spirit

Cathedral of Mary Our Queen 5200 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD

Inspire the Spirit - Jacqueline Pollauf, harp A solo recital of varied works, highlighting the diverse capabilities of the harp, featuring music by Fauré, Tournier, Khachaturian and original works Sun. May 4, 2024 at 3:00pm CATHEDRAL OF MARY OUR QUEEN 5200 N. Charles St. Baltimore, Maryland free will offering

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