Almost all events submitted – if they are sponsored by a Catholic parish, school or other organization in the Archdiocese of Baltimore – will be featured in the online calendar. A human monitor will approve submissions for posting. Events submitted by the first of the month prior to the month of the event may be considered for the print edition of Catholic Review magazine (e.g., by Jan. 1 for publication in the February magazine). So that all entities in the archdiocese have a fair opportunity to be listed in the limited space in the print publication, entities will be limited to no more than two in each calendar month print edition. If more than two have been submitted, Catholic Review Media staff will decide which items to publish, at their discretion.


40 Days For Life Annapolis – Spring Campaign

40 Days For Life Annapolis 929 West Street, Annapolis

Help save lives by praying for an end to abortion in Annapolis. Up to 75% of abortion appointments are "no shows" when faithful folks are praying outside a clinic.


Seeking Treasures Rummage Sale

St Athanasius, Curtis Bay 4708 Prudence St., Baltimore

Saturday, March 22nd from 8am to 1pm St. Athanasius & St. Rose of Lima Church Hall 4708 Prudence Street, Baltimore, MD 21226 (P) 410-355-5740 ****VENDORS NEEDED****SPACE IS LIMITED**** RESERVE YOUR […]


Embracing Forgiveness – Day Retreat

Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center 1525 Marriottsville Rd,, Marriottsville

As we gather during this Saturday of the 2nd Week of Lent, we will reflect on the gospel reading for the day, which is the story of The Prodigal Son. […]

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