Almost all events submitted – if they are sponsored by a Catholic parish, school or other organization in the Archdiocese of Baltimore – will be featured in the online calendar.

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Events submitted by the first of the month prior to the month of the event may be considered for the print edition of Catholic Review magazine (e.g., by Jan. 1 for publication in the February magazine). So that all entities in the archdiocese have a fair opportunity to be listed in the limited space in the print publication, entities will be limited to no more than two in each calendar month print edition. If more than two have been submitted, Catholic Review Media staff will decide which items to publish, at their discretion.

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Enrolment In The Carmelite Brown Scapular

May 3 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EDT


Enrolment In the Carmelite Brown Scapular
Conducted by Deacon John Martin, following 5pm Mass Saturday May 3 at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, Libertytown, MD

All are welcome. Whether you are currently wearing a scapular or not, please join us after Mass on Saturday May 3 as Deacon John Martin conducts the rite of Enrolling in the Brown Scapular. This has long been a rich tradition within the Catholic Church, a powerful way to express devotion to Mary, a sign of veneration, love, and trust in her protection and a reminder to live a life of faith and charity. The Brown Scapular is the silent contemplative devotion, reminding us to imitate the virtues of our Blessed Mother, which will ultimately lead us to Christ.

“Let the faithful hold in high esteem the practices and devotions to the Blessed Virgin approved by the teaching authority of the Church. It is Our conviction that the Rosary of Mary and the Scapular of Carmel are among these recommended practices. The Scapular is a practice of piety, which by its very simplicity is suited to everyone.” – Pope Paul VI

There will be a limited number of free Brown Scapulars available.

Contact Ken Vaughan, 410-241-5066


May 3
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EDT
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Ken Vaughan, OCDS


St. Peter the Apostle (Libertytown)
9190 Church St.
Union Bridge, MD 21791 United States
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