Don’t subsidize disrespect

What Major League Baseball management did by holding Opening Day on Good Friday, April 6, was nothing less than morally offensive to Christians and Catholics everywhere.

As the Editor of the Catholic Review (CR, April 5) tragically described the bizarre situation these days: “For some folks …”(Opening Day has become) “almost as sacred as going to church.” A grievous comparison when one contemplates the immense tragedy of forsaking services held in honor of our Savior who died to save us from our sins and where we are invited to be in holy Communion with Him celebrating the Eucharist.

Our Catholic faith and indeed all of Christianity needs people right now who are willing to stand up, be counted and not subsidize those who proactively choose to disrespect our church and our God.

The time for timidity is over.


Sean Gibbons


Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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