Do what works to make Catholic education affordable

My parents didn’t have money, yet they raised five daughters who all attended Catholic schools. I am a product of Catholic schools and proud of it. As a 1977 graduate of Marian Catholic in Hometown, Pa., I say bring back what works, fundraisers and second sibling discounts. When I grew up it was understood that you went to your parish school. My parents were volunteers, and I am fairly certain that they paid my tuition on a payment plan and just as sure that when I graduated my mother was still paying my tuition.

In 1998 my oldest daughter graduated from Maryvale Prep, at the time, approximately a $40,000 education, more today. That helped to garner her a $60,000 academic college scholarship. A good investment, but it came with many sacrifices.

We need to get back to what works. If the hierarchy of the church wants it and the parents want it, “where there is a will there is a way!”

The writer is the director of development at the Monsignor O’Dwyer Retreat House in Sparks.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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