Cemetery Management Office

Frederick County youths practice corporal works at New Cathedral Cemetery

Cemetery Management
320 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-547-5375
Fax: 410-332-8233
Email: pcarrion@archbalt.org

Rev. Patrick M. Carrion, Director, Office of Cemetery Management
Nolan G. McCoy, Director, Facilities Management

The Office of Cemetery Management supports the 50+ plus parish cemeteries as well as the Archdiocesan owned cemetery (New Cathedral Cemetery). The office is a resource to the many cemeteries for the best practices in the maintenance and further development of cemeteries. The office also is looking at ways to assure that there is enough space in our cemeteries so all who wish to be laid to rest in consecrated ground will have a place to do so. Knowing that cemeteries must be maintained for generations to come, the office helps parishes to build a perpetual care fund with new financial development endeavors.

‘Burying the Dead’ is a corporeal work of mercy. The office works with the Office of Respect Life to assure dignity to each person from ‘womb to tomb.’ The church has always had a high respect for the dead which is reflected in our Rites for Christian Burial. The Office of Cemetery Management is in consult with the Office of Worship to assure the sanctity of the rite as a family brings their deceased to us for burial.

The Office is also a resource for individuals who contact us for information about a cemetery in their locale or any questions or concerns they have surrounding a death of a family member.

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