“What matters to Christ is not whether our children consider themselves gay or straight, but whether they are living in holiness, according to his will. He loves them even more than we do, and this is our unceasing prayer for each of our sons and daughters.”
● Parent Novena for Perserverance
● Link to Church documents on same-sex attractions, testimonials of Courage/EnCourage members, prayers and more
● America Magazine published this reflection by a man who found support through Courage.
Father Philip Bochanski discusses why this idea is incompatible with Catholic theology and the Church’s understanding of the human person and God’s plan for sexuality.
Jason Evert, an international speaker on chastity, discusses the Catholic Church’s teaching on same-sex attractions.
Father Paul Check, former executive director of Courage International, speaks about ministry to persons with same-sex attraction. Courage members share their experiences.