Liturgical Resources


DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (Second Sunday of Easter)

From the Vatican in the Time of Pandemic:

Good Friday Intercession for Pandemic (English/Spanish)

Mass in the Time of Pandemic – Prayers and Readings (English)

Mass in the Time of Pandemic – Prayers and Readings (Spanish)

Live Streaming Catholic Masses (English and Spanish): You will find a listing of live-streamed and broadcast (radio and TV) Masses in English and Spanish here.

Tips for Streaming Mass Online: Helpful tips and videos for how to stream your parish Mass online.

How to Celebrate Mass at Home (PDF): This one-page guide offers suggestions for how to celebrate Mass at home. Although there is no substitute for gathering in person for Mass, this can be an opportunity for the whole family to participate prayerfully in spiritual communion with their sisters and brothers in Christ.

Free Temporary License for Music Reprints

ONE LICENSE—together with hundreds of their Member Publishers—is honored to assist you during this extraordinary time. They are able to provide two different free license options valid through April 15, 2020. You will find the service here.

Oregon Catholic Press (OCP) has granted permission to include their music in recorded liturgies that are streamed or broadcast through your parish website, free of charge until April 15, 2020. Learn more here.

Easter Season

Liturgical Press (LTP) offers many helpful resources  for parishes and families to live out the Easter season from home in a rich and prayerful way. Explore their resources here.


During this challenging time, Magnificat is has provided complimentary access to their online version of daily and weekly Mass prayers and readings, as well as Morning, Evening, and Night Prayer, and other reflections, to help you pray from home. Simply visit their home page and click within the text in the middle of the home page: “complimentary access to our online version”.


Another excellent resource to have a “children’s Liturgy of the Word” at home. Free online for the first time, you will find direct links here.

Readings of the Day (USCCB)

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) offers daily Mass readings. Locate the calendar graphic on the right side of the page home page. Simply click on the appropriate day or the Sunday you need to go to the Mass readings for the Liturgy of the Word. You can find the USCCB here.

Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office)

These online resources offer prayer and readings throughout the hours of the day. This prayer of the Catholic Church is used throughout the world by priests, religious, and laypeople. When you pray the Liturgy of the Hours, you are praying with countless of your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Suggested Intercessions for the Pandemic

  • For those infected with coronavirus, that they may receive prompt, effective and compassionate medical care.
  • For all medical professionals who are courageously treating those infected.  May they be shielded, strengthened and guided as they administer healing treatments and care.
  • For all who are suffering from the coronavirus, as well as for doctors, nurses, caregivers, and all those who are working to combat the disease.
  • For those most vulnerable to this disease, the elderly, the poor, the homeless and those disabled or weakened by other health conditions.
  • For those under quarantine, that they might be comforted by your presence and protected from disease, anxiety and fear.
  • For our public healthcare leaders and government agencies that they might be informed and well prepared as they deal with this pandemic.  Grant them the resources and assistance they need to use their wisdom in the best interest of public health.
  • For medical researchers who are tracking the course of the coronavirus.  May they uncover patterns that will help us understand how to remain healthy.
  • For those searching for treatments, cures and vaccines.  May you guide them, reveal new ideas and accelerate their discoveries to fight this disease.
  • For the communities, areas and countries hardest hit by coronavirus.  Restore their sense of wellbeing and community.  Sustain them, comfort them and give them hope.
  • For all whose lives are disrupted by the coronavirus; for families who have been separated by quarantine or whose livelihoods have been jeopardized.
  • For a quick end to the progression of COVID-19, that lives might be spared.

Prayer for a Pandemic

May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent.

May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close remember those who have no options.

May we who have to cancel our trips remember those that have no place to go.

May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market remember those who have no margin at all.

May we who settle in for a quarantine at home remember those who have no home.

During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary for Protection in Time of Pandemic

O Mary, you always brighten our path as a sign of salvation and of hope.

We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the Cross, took part in Jesus’ pain while remaining steadfast in faith.

O loving Mother, you know what we need, and we are confident you will provide for us as at Cana in Galilee.

Intercede for us with your Son Jesus, the Divine Physician, for those who have fallen ill, for those who are vulnerable, and for those who have died.

Intercede also for those charged with protecting the health and safety of others and for those who are tending to the sick and seeking a cure.

Help us, O Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who took upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows, so as to lead us, through the Cross, to the glory of the Resurrection. Amen.

Under thy protection we seek refuge, O Holy Mother of God. In our needs, despise not our petitions, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

Adapted from the prayer of Pope Francis

Archdiocese of Baltimore

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