College of Notre Dame offers Pastoral Spanish program

College of Notre Dame of Maryland has begun registration for the fall 2008 Pastoral Spanish program. The program assists those ministering to the Hispanic community in the archdiocese and focuses on the culture, history and faith expressions of the diverse Latino population.

The curriculum includes conversational Spanish and language skills for pastoral care as well as discussions of the complexities of ministry to Hispanic communities. Previous experience in Spanish is not required.

Three noncredit courses will be offered:

• Spanish Language and Culture for Pastoral Settings (Part 1) Tuesdays 6-8 p.m., Sept. 16-Nov. 18;

• Spanish Language and Culture for Pastoral Settings (Part 2) Mondays 2-4 p.m., Sept. 15-Nov. 17;

• Spanish Language and Culture for Pastoral Settings (Part 3B) Tuesdays 2-4 p.m. Sept 30; Oct. 14, 28; Nov. 11; Dec. 2; Feb. 10, 24; March 10, 24; and April 7.

Tuition is $400 per person, per course, or a $1,000 group rate is offered for three participants in one course. Enrollment is limited and open to professionals and volunteers.

For class descriptions or to register, visit (click on Institutes and International) or call 410-532-5306 or e-mail

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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