CCHD does not endorse candidates

It is important to correct the allegation of letter-writer Jim Devereaux (Scrutinize CCHD grants” (CR, Sept. 8), that a Catholic Campaign for Human Development group, PATH (People Acting Together in Howard), endorses candidates. The truth is that no CCHD-funded group is permitted to do so. PATH has not done so and will not do so.

In the Archdiocese of Baltimore, PATH has helped more than 400 get health care and protected 14,000 low-income households in mobile home parks by providing financial compensation if their park closes, an insurance policy against homelessness in Maryland.

Would it not be refreshing to hear from someone who truly accepts the Gospel call to help the poor help themselves and to acknowledge the outstanding work of CCHD since 1970 in our nation, where 46 million people now live in poverty?

Monsignor Burke is the CCHD director for the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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