Catholics in the Archdiocese of Baltimore will join Catholics around the world in 60 hours of eucharistic prayer for vocations – set to coincide with the 60th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s ordination to the priesthood.
Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien is asking all parishes with adoration chapels to make eucharistic adoration available for 60 hours beginning June 29, the date the pope will celebrate his anniversary, and concluding July 1, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the World Day of Prayer for Priests.
In a June 3 letter to priests, deacons and pastoral life directors, Archbishop O’Brien said he hopes the effort will “prove successful for the good of our generous priests and our Church.”
Special prayer cards prepared by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will be available to assist Catholics in praying for the sanctification of the clergy and for new priestly vocations. They may be downloaded or linked to parish websites from
“This is an exceptional opportunity to give thanks for our Holy Father, to pray for all of our priests, and to ask the Lord for more vocations to the priesthood,” said St. Louis Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, chairman for the Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. “The Holy Father has been an outstanding model of priestly ministry and service to the Church. In his Message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, ‘Proposing Vocations in the Local Church,’ he reminded the faithful that we all have a responsibility to pray for vocations. This is a great opportunity to do just that.”
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