Catholic Digest partners with National Council of Catholic Women

NEW LONDON, Conn. (CNS) — Catholic Digest and the National Council of Catholic Women have announced a partnership that they hope will both benefit the bottom line for the women’s organization and boost circulation for the magazine.

In 2007 and 2008, the more than 50,000 NCCW members have the option to enhance their membership by adding a subscription to Catholic Digest, which currently has a worldwide readership estimated at 2.4 million.

“We are eager to give women the opportunity to join with other Catholic women nationwide who strive to live their faith and serve the church,” said Ellen Bachman, NCCW president, “and we are delighted to also offer them the opportunity to enrich this faith by reading Catholic Digest.”

Kathleen Stauffer, Catholic Digest president and publisher, said the partnership “is a wonderful opportunity for two established Catholic institutions to further their missions via mutual empowerment.”

The NCCW was established 75 years ago, and Catholic Digest has been published for 70 years.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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