World News

Pope urges priests to tend to sick, health care workers during epidemic

Pope Francis prayed that priests would find the courage to visit those who are sick and offer accompaniment to health care professionals and volunteers working during the coronavirus epidemic while also keeping themselves and others safe.
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Vatican closes St. Peter’s Square, Basilica to tourists through April 3

In cooperation with Italian emergency measures, the Vatican has closed St. Peter’s Square and Basilica to tourists starting March 10 through April 3.
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Vatican closes museums, beefs up measures to stop virus spread

The Vatican has instituted new measures and closures to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.
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Pope chooses ‘synodality’ as theme for 2022 synod

Pope Francis has decided the next world Synod of Bishops at the Vatican, which will take place in October 2022, will have the theme: "For a synodal church: Communion, participation and mission."
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Person tests positive for coronavirus in Vatican City

The Vatican health clinic was closed temporarily after a person tested positive for the coronavirus, the Vatican announced.
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English Catholics to rededicate nation as ‘Mary’s Dowry’

Catholics are preparing for the historic rededication of England as "Mary's Dowry" in the hope that it will spur the re-evangelization of their country.
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Chief Justice Roberts responds to Sen. Schumer’s remarks at court rally

Chief Justice John Roberts, accustomed to writing in-depth opinions on court cases, penned a rare statement March 4 denouncing remarks made earlier that day by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, at a rally outside the Supreme Court.
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Bethlehem holy sites to be closed after COVID-19 reported at hotel

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem urged its faithful to cooperate with the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health, following its order March 5 to close all schools, universities, mosques and churches, including the Church of the Nativity and Shepherd's field.
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A divided court examines Louisiana abortion restrictions

In oral arguments March 4, the Supreme Court justices expressed mixed views about a Louisiana law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a local hospital and if the abortion providers have the legal standing to challenge the state law on behalf of their patients.
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As COVID-19 spreads, Catholic entities worldwide take precautions

Catholic aid agencies are protecting their staff's safety as they increase their worldwide efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.
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Pope has been diagnosed with cold; symptoms unrelated to other illness

Pope Francis has a common cold and has no symptoms that could be attributed to another illness, the Vatican said.
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Practice of tracking Massgoers for political purposes gains scrutiny

Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote, a political action group with no ties to the Catholic Church, has written repeatedly about how his organization has used "the latest technology to find Catholics, connect with them, register them to vote and then get them to the polls."
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