Wit & Wisdom

Upon further review

I just wanted to assure you that I am still living at the cathedral rectory. I’ve been able to keep my residence. Please pray that I’ll be able to keep my sanity! 
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Moving experience

To be human is to be worthy of God. God affirms the value of human life, by becoming human himself. But life is not easy.
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Emulate God, work together

There is divinity flowing though us all the time. We just have to believe that. And then winter will turn to spring. 
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Jeers to cheers

Christmas is a chance again to discover who we are. God came into the world in the form of a baby because God always comes into the world that way.
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Everyone’s story

Christmas reminds us that God, as Christ, has entered our world again in person to let us know that God never abandons us, that evil ultimately will not triumph.
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Grateful for faithful examples

It’s good to remember the many, many good priests who inspired such generosity.
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Genes, chromosomes – and God

God is not some invisible presence watching us from the sky; God is as close to us as the DNA in our bodies.
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Pearls amid junk

When you look at infinite space and countless solar systems and stars and galaxies, we’re part of a creation that is truly worthy of God.
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Family matters

Our culture is hard on faith. In the name of freedom of choice, we are arguably becoming one of the least free societies.
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The skinny on summer

Do all the good you can, for as many people as you can, for as long as you can. If you do that, you may not just live longer. You may live forever.
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Like Mary, we are all called

Our job is not just to do good things for God, but to allow God to do good things through us. That’s what Mary models.
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Trust God’s love – now

The key to trusting God’s power after death is to trust his power during life.
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