
Sisters standing on street

Radio Interview: New religious community serves Baltimore’s forgotten people of the streets

The Archdiocese of Baltimore recently welcomed a new international community of international community of religious sisters who minister to people who are homeless and living on the streets of downtown Baltimore.
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For the brothers Bolger, the priesthood is a family affair

Father Justin Bolger – who grew up in Baltimore’s St. William of York Parish and later St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Libertytown – was ordained May 23, along with five others.
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Ugandan ordained a Josephite priest at the West Baltimore parish he served as deacon

The 32-year-old native of Uganda was ordained a Josephite priest May 23 at St. Peter Claver in West Baltimore.
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Buffalo sends seminarians to Baltimore

Following an extensive review process, the Diocese of Buffalo has selected St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore – the first Roman Catholic seminary in the United States – for the academic and spiritual formation program for its seminarians, beginning in fall 2020.
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Annapolis pastor’s treasured chalice and paten resurface after going missing for five years

For a priest, a chalice and paten can have the same symbolic value as a wedding ring to a married person, said Father James Proffitt.
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For seminarians, campus may be closed but the work continues at local parishes

Since mid-March, the 51 men studying to become priests for the Archdiocese of Baltimore have left their classrooms and been placed in parishes across the region.
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Siblings born two minutes apart continue strong bond as religious sisters

Benedictine Sisters Jill and Susan Reuber have often shared the same path in life, but their roads to their religious vocations took different turns.
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At Quo Vadis retreat, it’s easy to meet ‘new seminarian every day’

EMMITSBURG – Quo Vadis, an annual summer retreat for high-school aged males considering a religious vocation, took a different tack July 25. The retreat is hosted by seminarians of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. On the third of its four days, however, 62 participants heard not from a seminarian studying Theology or in his pastoral year,...
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Poor Clare sister who traded in hoops for life of prayer marks silver jubilee

Sister Rose Marie of the Queen of Angels was a Parade All-American and then set a Villanova scoring record before choosing a life of prayer.
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Pope names women as full members of congregation for religious

Previously, all members of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life had been men.
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