
Hope from the ashes: President, archbishop vow to rebuild Notre Dame

The president of France and the archbishop of Paris have vowed to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral after a devastating fire, continuing what a professor of architecture described as the natural lifecycle of a historic building.
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At retreat for South Sudan leaders, pope literally begs for peace

At the end of a highly unusual spiritual retreat for the political leaders of warring factions, Pope Francis knelt at the feet of the leaders of South Sudan, begging them to give peace a chance and to be worthy "fathers of the nation."
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People can call Jesus at any moment; he is always there, pope says

Everyone has a direct line to Jesus, who is always nearby, ready to listen and help, Pope Francis said.
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Church, world need the gifts, enthusiasm of young people, pope says

The life of a young person and the vocation to which God calls each one is "holy ground" that pastors and parents must respect, nurture and encourage, Pope Francis wrote in a new apostolic exhortation.
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Pope: Countries that sell arms have no right to talk about peace

Nations that actively engage in arms dealing and help foment war in other countries should not expect to find peace in their own lands, Pope Francis said.
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Spread mercy, build fraternity, pope urges Morocco’s Christian minority

Celebrating Mass with members of Morocco's tiny Catholic community, Pope Francis praised them for the many ways they "bear witness to the Gospel of mercy in this land."
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Mission success isn’t measured by numbers, pope says in Morocco

The Christian mission is not about numbers of converts, but about changing people and the world by being witnesses of God's mercy and love, Pope Francis told missionaries in Morocco.
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Pope visits Muslim training center, migrants in Morocco

Moving from ideals and principles to concrete examples, Pope Francis met in Morocco with Muslim men and women studying to be prayer leaders and preachers and with dozens of migrants assisted by Caritas.
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Education, dialogue essential for peace, say pope and king

Pope Francis described his visit as another occasion to promote interreligious dialogue as part of the celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the meeting of St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil in Egypt.
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Founder, editorial staff of Vatican women’s magazine resign

Claiming a lack of support for open dialogue and for an editorial line run by women, the director and editorial staff of a Vatican women's magazine have resigned.
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Pope leads pilgrims in prayer for victims of mosque attack

Pope Francis called on Christians to unite in prayer for the victims of two mosque attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 50 people dead and dozens wounded in one of the worst mass shootings in the country's history.
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Lent is a time for a little less hypocrisy, pope says

Lent is a time to ask for God's grace to chip away at hypocrisy, which is seen in the natural human attempt to appear "worthier than we are," Pope Francis said
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