Oramos, oh Dios todopoderoso y eterno, que por Jesucristo ha revelado tu gloria a todas las naciones, para preservar las obras de tu misericordia, que tu Iglesia, difundida por todo el mundo, continúe con una fe inmutable en la confesión de tu nombre.Read More
We pray O God of might, wisdom and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, assist with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude the president of these United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness and be eminently useful to your people over whom he presides;...Read More
Below are links to prayers and blessings that can be used during the Advent Season Advent Wreath Prayer from CRS Blessing of the Advent Wreath Blessing of a Christmas Tree Blessing of the Family Creche Gracious Lord, Child of Bethlehem Nativity Blessing O Antiphons of Advent Pope Francis Prayer for the Immaculate Conception Prayer in...Read More