
Synod reports from around the world raise clericalism, women as issues

"More than a year ago, Pope Francis announced the Synod on Synodality, an initiative to take the pulse of the Catholic Church. U.S. Catholics have been mostly silent about this effort, but in several countries, including Australia, France, England and Wales, and Germany, things are moving full steam ahead."
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Address on Religious Liberty; Catholic War Veterans Convention

In defending these United States, you also defend its values, and the freedoms which are embedded in its founding documents, chief among them, religious liberty.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Simple as it sounds, Jesus’ parable is more than a story with a moral. Rather, it reflects his wisdom as the Word made flesh, as Wisdom Incarnate, and so this little story embodies the truth and wisdom of God’s own heart.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Solemn Profession and Consecration of Sister Mary Martha

It is a joy to return to this holy place of contemplation and worship, this place where the poor are loved, to celebrate and witness the solemn profession and consecration of Sister Mary Martha.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time; St. Bernardine

Through the intercession of St. Bernardine, may the golden dome of this church stand as a shining witness to the light of Christ and a standing invitation of prayer, an invitation to ourselves, to our fellow believers, and also to our city and our world.
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Un mensaje del Arzobispo Lori – Sentencia de la Corte Suprema sobre el aborto

Hoy es un día monumental pues la Corte Suprema de los EE. UU. ha anulado Roe vs. Wade y, al hacerlo, afirmó que la constitución no confiere el derecho al aborto.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 6th Sunday of Easter; St. John, Hydes

I cannot conclude these reflections without thanking you with all my heart – thanking your wonderful pastor, Father Literal, and his team of co-workers, thank school leadership and the lay leadership of the parish – together with so many good-hearted and talented volunteers – not merely for what you give to this parish but for...
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Copy of Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 2nd Sunday of Easter; Divine Mercy Sunday

And once the peace of Christ enters our hearts, our lives change. We may stumble and fall, even repeatedly, but God’s grace will be at work in us, patiently mending our hearts, replacing vice with virtue, making us luminous with love.
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Click here to watch Archbishop Lori celebrate the 11. a.m. Mass for Easter Sunday

Watch a livestream of Archbishop William E. Lori celebrating the 11 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass April 17 from the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland. 
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