With the World Series underway, here is a fun fact: Father Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, played ball. And if one game is any indication, he was pretty good.Read More
Approximately 350 students gathered at the Baltimore Basilica Oct. 10 to learn about Our Lady of Fatima, pray the rosary and tour America’s first cathedral as part of the archdiocesan Rosary Congress.Read More
Weeks ago when I heard that Baltimore's Chinatown Collective was planning the Charm City Night Market, I marked my calendar. I could not wait to go and kick off the Moon Festival with Asian food and music at a festival near Baltimore’s former Chinatown.Read More
The inaugural Faith Fest in Harford County featured opportunities for worship, along with plenty of fun, family-friendly activities culminating in a colorful fireworks display.Read More
18 de junio de 2018 El Reverendísimo William E. Lori, Arzobispo de Baltimore, expresó su decepción y profunda preocupación por la separación de familias como resultado de la política de inmigración vigente en los Estados Unidos. “No hay una justificación racional para que un gobierno civilizado separe a niños de sus padres como herramienta para aplicar...Read More
June 18, 2018 Most Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore, has expressed disappointment and grave concern at the separation of families as a result of the Immigration policy of the United States. “There can be no reasonable justification for a civilized government to separate children from their parents as a means for enforcing the...Read More
Jerri Burkhardt, director of the Office of Child and Youth Protection for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, sent a letter to parishioners of Our Lady of Pompei concerning a priest who served at their parish.Read More