I am a Redemptorist Priest from Zimbabwe, studying at Loyola University MD, living with the Redemptorist community, and assisting with ministry at St Mary’s Church in Annapolis, MD. Last year, on the 13th of May, I was taking a walk in the Carroll gardens behind the rectory where I live. I noticed a couple in...Read More
Good evening, and thank you all for being here tonight for this very important event. Bishop Fabre and Bishop Ricard, on behalf of everyone in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, I want to extend my warm gratitude for your presence this evening.Read More
I was born in abject poverty to Oklahoma sharecroppers, one of the most viciously exploited groups of people in American history. In brutal honesty, my family is horribly scarred and crippled as the landowners treated them less than their animals. My father has not healed from the trauma and abuse. Growing up we heard how...Read More
I had a unique experience with racism within the Catholic Church from a young age. Growing up, Catholicism was not only part of my life, but my community. In the early years of my life, I remember thinking the Catholic Church was a place of happiness and a diverse beautiful faith. As I got older,...Read More
At age 14 in 1956 I stepped on the hard line of separation between the races. At age 15 I crossed it. At 14, I was selected to leave the fully segregated, supportive community which had nurtured me in Baltimore to continue to desegregate City College, one of Baltimore’s top two male public high schools....Read More
As Archbishop of Baltimore and Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus I am very happy to join you this evening to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Council № 1965 here at Mount Saint Mary’s University, the oldest college council in continuous operation in the entire Order.Read More
In Annapolis, Baltimore and Emmitsburg, 611 people seeking full communion with the Catholic Church gathered for the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion March 10.Read More
These past three years of drought in Central America have destroyed crops of corn and beans, leaving families starving and causing Guatemala to declare a true state of emergency, said Catholic Relief Services officials.Read More
“Jesus Christ did not come and suffer and die for us so that we be good little girls and boys,” she said, “He came that we might have life and have it to the full and that our life would be completely transformed unto glory.”Read More
Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, the prom experience was hosted by churches around the world the night of Feb. 8. A first-time host, OLPH was the only Archdiocese of Baltimore parish to participate.Read More
The martyrs of different Christian churches throughout the Middle East are together in heaven, interceding for peace in the region and enjoying the unity for which all Christians on earth must strive, Pope Francis said.Read More
Presuming there is good soil in our hearts and that we are tending it, the seed of faith planted there in Baptism grows slowly, according to the design of God’s grace and mercy, and sometimes, without our realizing it.Read More