Nearly 1,000 Maryland students and teachers, including many Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, gathered in Annapolis to advocate for state programs benefiting nonpublic schools.Read More
Our fourth grader may have only had one brief job to do, but he embraced it wholeheartedly. He held the Star proudly and peered through the center of it with an enormous smile. His eyes, his smile, and his whole face were full of joy.Read More
Father Michael Carrion, longtime pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Towson, died unexpectedly Saturday at age 68. Father Carrion, who led the parish for almost 20 years, died of an apparent heart attack. Read More
There are Sunday school teachers who prepare days ahead of time. Then you have me, who often spends Sunday morning flipping through the curriculum for the day while feeding people breakfast.Read More
"We must see him not just as a statesman who led church and society, like Moses, through the red sea of communism, but also as a fervent believer in God who served people," said Capuchin Father Gabriel Bartoszewski, vice postulator of the cardinal's process.Read More
When 19-year-old Nicholas Peters of San Carlos understood that his life would not be a long one, he decided to spend the days that might be left to him ministering to the forgotten and the hopeless on the streets of San Francisco.Read More
Even before he died saving his classmates from a shooter at his school, 18-year-old Kendrick Castillo was known for going out of his way to help others.Read More