Press Release

Our Lady of Victory School Closing – Statement from the Archdiocese of Baltimore

We are deeply saddened by the recent announcement of Our Lady of Victory Catholic School closure and understand the news is upsetting to the students, staff and alumni of this beloved institution.
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Statement from Archbishop William E. Lori on Violence in Atlanta and Acts of Racism

Whether blatantly acted out in violence or more quietly through long-sustained prejudices, racism and hatred must be exposed and condemned.
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Declaración del Arzobispo William E. Lori sobre la violencia en Atlanta y los actos de racismo 

Oramos por las víctimas del tiroteo masivo en Atlanta y del tiroteo masivo en Boulder, Colorado, por todas las víctimas de la violencia, el racismo y el odio.
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Declaración de la Arquidiócesis sobre el p. Daniel Mentesana

El Padre Daniel Mentesana, IVE, sacerdote de la orden religiosa del Instituto del Verbo Encarnado y ex capellán de la Gruta del Santuario Nacional y del Santuario Nacional de Santa Isabel Ann Seton, ambos ubicados en Emmitsburg, MD, ha sido acusado de una relación inapropiada con una mujer adulta que ocurrió fuera de la Arquidiócesis...
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Statement on Father Daniel Mentesana

Father Daniel Mentesana, IVE, a priest of the religious order the Institute of the Incarnate Word and a former chaplain at the National Shrine Grotto and the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton both located in Emmitsburg, MD, has been accused of an inappropriate relationship with an adult female that occurred outside of the...
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Christian Kendzierski appointed as Executive Director of Communications

Archbishop William E. Lori has appointed Christian Kendzierski as the new Executive Director of Communications for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, effective January 25, 2021.
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Archbishop William E. Lori Calls for a Day of Prayer January 15 for Our Nation and Its Leaders

Archbishop William E. Lori today called the faithful of the Archdiocese of Baltimore to an Archdiocesan Day of Prayer for our nation and its leaders in the aftermath of the violence in our nation’s capital this week.
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Declaración del Arzobispo William E. Lori sobre las protestas contra el Capitolio de EE. UU.

Nuestros corazones están dolidos al presenciar las chocantes protestas ilegales que ocurren en la capital de nuestra nación.
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Statement of Archbishop William E. Lori on the U.S. Capitol Protests

Our hearts are heavy as we witness the shocking and unlawful protests occurring in our nation’s capital.
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Statement on the Removal of the Priestly Faculties of Father Justin Ross, OFM Conv. (Updated)

The Archdiocese of Baltimore has been informed by the Minister Provincial of the Franciscan Friars Conventual of an allegation of sexual misconduct against Father Justin Ross, OFM Conv. involving a young adult from outside of the Archdiocese.
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Archbishop William E. Lori Offers Congratulations to Newly Elected, Prayers for the Country

Archbishop William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore, issued the following statement on the outcome of the November 3 elections:
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