Press Release

Questions and Answers on the U.S. Bishops’ Vote to Draft a Document on the Meaning of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church

Questions and Answers on the U.S. Bishops’ Vote to Draft a Document on the Meaning of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church.
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Junteenth Statement – en español

El 16 de junio, el día que conmemora la fecha histórica en 1865 cuando ocurrió la liberación del último grupo de afroamericanos esclavizados en Texas, es un día de celebración.
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Archbishop William E. Lori on the Celebration of Juneteenth

Juneteenth, the day commemorating the historic date in 1865 when liberation occurred for the last group of African Americans enslaved in Texas, is a day for celebration.
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Nosotros, los obispos católicos de la provincia de Baltimore y la Arquidiócesis de Washington, damos gracias a Dios Todopoderoso por el progreso que nuestro país ha logrado para frenar la pandemia de coronavirus. El número promedio de nuevos casos de COVID-19 continúa disminuyendo debido a la observancia de los protocolos de seguridad y al aumento...
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Statement of the Bishops of the Province of Baltimore and the Archdiocese of Baltimore: Lifting the General Dispensation from the Obligation to Attend Mass

We are lifting the dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Days Mass obligation in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the Archdiocese of Washington, and the Dioceses of Arlington, Richmond, Wheeling-Charleston, and Wilmington and reinstating that obligation beginning on Saturday, June 26, 2021 and Sunday, June 27, 2021.
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Statement from the The Archdiocese of Baltimore after consultation with the Marianist Province of the United States

The Archdiocese of Baltimore announced today that a lawsuit was filed last month in New York state court alleging that Brother Thomas Trager, S.M. had engaged in sexual abuse of a minor in about 2009 in New York.
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Romuald Meogrossi, OFM Conv. Removido del Ministerio por Investigación Pendiente

La Arquidiócesis de Baltimore ha recibido una denuncia de conducta sexual inapropiada con un menor contra el Padre Romuald Meogrossi, OFM Conv. La acusación se reportó de inmediato a las fuerzas del orden.
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Archbishop Lori Statement on the Appointment of Bishop-elect Koenig to Wilmington

I am most grateful to Pope Francis for appointing Bishop-elect William Koenig as the next Bishop of Wilmington.
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Declaración del arzobispo William E. Lori sobre el veredicto del juicio a Derek Chauvin

El veredicto justo alcanzado en el juicio de Derek Chauvin debería dar lugar a más que un suspiro de alivio. Al contrario, debe impulsarnos a la lucha pacífica pero persistente por la justicia racial, por una auténtica reforma policial y por la creación de ciudades y barrios pacíficos. Como ciudadanos, debemos insistir en la eliminación...
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Statement from Archbishop Lori: Verdict on Derek Chauvin Trial

Let us take personal responsibility in overcoming racism, prejudice, and other injustices.
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Catholic Priest in Baltimore Removed from Ministry Pending Investigation

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is investigating of an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor involving Fr. Martin H. Demek, pastor of Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Baltimore.  
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