Cardinal William H. Keeler and hundreds of Catholic young people, celebrate the beginning of Holy Week with a pilgrimage through downtown on Saturday, April 3. In the spirit of this year’s focus for the pilgrimage – a reflection on heroes and sacrifices- the participants will examine those in the world around them whom they consider...Read More
His Eminence Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela Archbishop of Madrid Arzobispado Bailén 8, Madrid 28071 Spain Your Eminence, This morning all of us who heard the news from Madrid were shocked by the needless taking of innocent life in the terrorist attacks at the railroad stations. I write to communicate our feelings of solidarity with...Read More
Su Eminencia Reverendísima Señor Cardenal Antonio María Rouco Varela Arzobispo de Madrid Arzobispado Bailén 8, Madrid 28071 España Eminencia, Todos los que escuchamos esta mañana las noticias provenientes de Madrid, nos sentimos consternados por la pérdida innecesaria de vidas inocentes debido a los ataques terroristas en las estaciones ferroviarias. Deseo expresale nuestros sentimientos de solidaridad...Read More
As a member of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, I welcome the reports from Moscow about the conversations that have taken place over the past few days between Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow...Read More
The Archdiocese of Baltimore will honor over 50 African-American Catholic leaders for their service within the 16 predominantly African-American parishes in the archdiocese. The banquet will take place this evening, February 13, at Martin’s West, Dogwood Road and Belmont Avenue, at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Gordon Bennett, S.J., Urban Vicar, will be among those offering remarks....Read More
The Archdiocese of Baltimore will celebrate World Marriage Day at a special Mass on Sunday, February 8, 2004 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen at 3 p.m. Cardinal William H. Keeler, Archbishop of Baltimore, will be the principal celebrant of the Mass to honor all married couples and offer them an opportunity to renew...Read More
The results of an independent survey of compliance of every Catholic diocese and eparchy in the United States with the articles of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People were announced today at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Auditors with the Gavin Group, Inc., of...Read More
BALTIMORE – On Monday, April 14, at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, William Cardinal Keeler will celebrate the annual Chrism Mass. The Chrism Mass is held during Holy Week, bringing the Archdiocesan community together as the Cardinal welcomes and blesses hundreds of adults seeking Baptism and reception into the Church. This year’s Mass is...Read More
BALTIMORE – William Cardinal Keeler and hundreds of Catholic young people, will “J-Walk” (meaning ‘walk with Jesus’) during a pilgrimage through Downtown Baltimore to mark the beginning of Holy Week on Saturday, April 12. In the spirit of this year’s focus for the pilgrimage – termed “J-Walking”- the participants will carry the identity of someone...Read More
This morning, at the Basilica, we prayed for the Catholic people of Boston, for all our people of faith across the country, for victims of abuse, and for Cardinal Law as we learned the news of his resignation. I join Cardinal Law in praying that this will be an act of purification for our Church,...Read More
Father Robert Lentz has been placed on administrative leave and his faculties to function as a priest have been suspended, following recent allegations that he sexually abused minors during the mid to late 1960s. These allegations have been reported to the Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office. The preliminary investigation by the Archdiocese included interviews with...Read More
BALTIMORE – During a recent routine audit and subsequent investigation, the Archdiocese of Baltimore discovered that Victor Puotinen, an employee of the Basilica of the Assumption parish and previously of the Archdiocesan Central Services, had stolen $443,000. The audit and investigation revealed that Puotinen embezzled funds over a three-year period. The Archdiocese has put in...Read More