Press Release

Statement of the Archdiocese of Baltimore that it will not oppose the public release of the Attorney General’s report

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is committed to transparency.  We believe that transparency is necessary to rebuild the trust that has been damaged by evil acts of abuse committed by representatives of the Church and by historic failures of Church leadership to respond adequately to those acts.
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Mensaje del Arzobispo Lori sobre la moción para publicar el Informe del Fiscal General

Al leer la moción de hoy, sentimos una renovada vergüenza, un profundo remordimiento y una sincera simpatía, muy especialmente hacia aquellos que sufrieron por las acciones de los representantes de la misma Iglesia a quienes se confió su bienestar espiritual y físico.
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Message from Archbishop Lori on motion to release Attorney General Report

Archbishop William E. Lori has made the following statement on a motion to release the Maryland Attorney General's report on the archdiocese’s handling of child sexual abuse allegations dating back to the 1940s.
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Archdiocese of Baltimore announces the listening phase for the ‘Seek the City to Come’ initiative

Dear Friends in Christ, Today, I am blessed to share with you important news that we are taking our first steps to reimagine Catholic life in Baltimore City and some nearby suburbs. I invite you to join me in this shared effort — an undertaking we’re calling Seek the City to Come (HEB 13:14)— that...
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La Arquidiócesis de Baltimore anuncia la iniciativa ‘Busca la ciudad por venir’

Queridos amigos en Cristo, Hoy, tengo la bendición de compartir con ustedes la importante noticia de que estamos dando nuestros primeros pasos para re imaginar la vida católica en la ciudad de Baltimore y algunos suburbios cercanos. Los invito a unirse a mí en este esfuerzo compartido, una iniciativa que llamamos Busquemos la Ciudad Por...
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Statement on accusations against Michael Kuhn

Aug. 25, 2022 Baltimore, MD – In 2018, an individual accused Michael Kuhn of child sexual abuse in Virginia during the 1970s.  Kuhn was ordained by the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, in 1997 and was a member of the Virginia-based Youth Apostles Institute. .  In 2018, when the accusation was made, Kuhn was publicly suspended...
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Archbishop Lori: Work toward the restoration of hope

Statement from Archbishop William E. Lori on the tragic events that took place in Baltimore involving a driver and a squeegee worker: We find ourselves in a deeply painful and difficult moment with the arrest of a 15-year-old boy on murder charges and a 48-year-old father of three gone after a deadly encounter at a...
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Un mensaje del Arzobispo Lori – Sentencia de la Corte Suprema sobre el aborto

Hoy es un día monumental pues la Corte Suprema de los EE. UU. ha anulado Roe vs. Wade y, al hacerlo, afirmó que la constitución no confiere el derecho al aborto.
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Message from Archbishop Lori on Supreme Court ruling regarding abortion

Today is a monumental day as the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade and in so doing affirmed that the constitution does not confer a right to abortion.
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Statement from Archbishop Lori on shootings in Western Maryland

Statement from Archbishop William Lori on shootings that occurred in Western Maryland on June 9: “With a heavy heart, I express my sorrow and sadness concerning the shooting that occurred in Western Maryland that took the lives of 3 individuals. The senseless violence and tragic loss of human life seem an incomprehensible reality that has...
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Archbishop Lori on the tragic school shooting in Texas

Joining with citizens across the city, I wanted to pay tribute to: Lieutenant Paul Butrim, Firefighter-Paramedic Kelsey Sadler, and EMT-Firefighter Kenny Lacayo of the Baltimore City Fire Department who died in the line of duty on Monday. These heroic individuals made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our city for which we will always...
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Archbishop Lori condemns violence in Buffalo

The Archdiocese of Baltimore has determined that Father Demek remains suitable for ministry and the Archdiocese’s Office of Child and Youth Protection has recommended that, in light of the investigation, Father Demek be returned to active ministry.
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