Chancellor of Education, Mr. James B. Sellinger, and Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Dr. Donna Hargens, of the Archdiocese of Baltimore released today its reopening plan for its elementary and secondary schools for the 2020-21 school year. The plan provides a framework for schools to facilitate the safe return of faculty and staff on August 24,...Read More
Chancellor of Education, Mr. James Sellinger, and Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Dr. Donna Hargens, of the Archdiocese of Baltimore announced today the appointment of Mrs. Alisha Jordan as the principal of the new Mother Mary Lange Catholic School in downtown Baltimore.Read More
Archbishop William E. Lori announced clergy assignments, including Monsignor Jay O’Connor to Episcopal Vicar to the Eastern Vicariate on a full-time basis.Read More
La Reverendísimo William E. Lori, Arzobispo de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore, expresó su apoyo entusiasta a la reciente decisión de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos de defender el programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA).Read More
The brutal history of slavery and segregation continues to inflict pain on our society, and Juneteenth offers a light of hope on the fight for freedom and justice.Read More
Most Rev. William E. Lori, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, expressed enthusiastic support for the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision upholding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.Read More
La Arquidiócesis de Baltimore anuncia que ha eliminado las facultades sacerdotales de Padre Carlos Osorio, quien está en una excedencia efectiva de inmediato. Al Padre Osorio no se le permite ejercer ministerio en ninguna capacidad en la Arquidiócesis deBaltimore debido a relaciones sexuales que involucran a adultos que es inapropiada para un sacerdote. Se le...Read More
The Archdiocese of Baltimore is announcing that it has removed the priestly faculties of Father Carlos Osorio, who is on a leave of absence effective immediately. Father Osorio is not permitted to minister in any capacity in the Archdiocese of Baltimore due to sexual activity involving adults that is inappropriate for a priest. He has...Read More
We mourn the tragic and senseless death of George Floyd. We share the sense of outrage and intense feelings of helplessness of so many others who have now viewed the searing images of his final moments of struggle. All who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ are obligated to work relentlessly to defeat the...Read More
As the religious community and local, state and federal government officials proceed in the gradual reopening of various activities, including religious services, there will inevitably be differing views on challenging issues that must be addressed.Read More