The celebration of the Mass of Chrism marks a privileged moment for the People of God throughout the Church Universal this week and what a privileged moment this is for me to stand in your midst, the People of God of Baltimore. Should the history and development of this unique liturgical event not be...Read More
In our first reading, God promises the almost impossible to the childless old man Abram: “I am making you the father of a host of nations. I will render you exceedingly fertile. I will make nations of you… and your descendents after you. Abram was 100 years old when Isaac was born. Little doubt...Read More
Please do forgive if the following few sentences might tend to threaten the world’s otherwise sentimental involvement in sleigh bells and Santa. It’s cold doctrine from our recent Catechism of the Catholic Church (#423) We believe and confess that Jesus of Nazareth, born a Jew of a daughter of Israel at Bethlehem at the...Read More
This is a most significant, even an historic, moment in the history of St. Mary’s Seminary and University, and well aware of that, I must begin by stating how happy I am and privileged to be the installing prelate as the Reverend Thomas R. Hurst, of the society of St. Sulpice and priest of...Read More
Your Eminences, William Cardinal Keeler, William Cardinal Baum, Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Francis Cardinal Stafford, Edward Cardinal Egan, Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, Justin Cardinal Rigali, Sean Cardinal O’Malley: All of us in this Archdiocese are so grateful for your being here and for the honor you pay to this Premier See of Baltimore. Deepest gratitude to...Read More
HOMILIA Misa de Instalación Arzobispo Edwin F. O’Brien 1ro de octubre del 2007 Eminencias, William Cardenal Keeler, William Cardenal Baum, Anthony Cardenal Bevilacqua, Francis Cardenal Stafford, Edward Cardenal Egan, Theodore Cardenal McCarrick, Justin Cardenal Rigali, Sean Cardenal O’Malley: Todos nosotros en esta Arquidiócesis estamos muy agradecidos por su presencia aquí hoy, y por el...Read More