Martyrdom "is the sign that we are on Jesus' path; it's a blessing from the Lord that within the people of God there is someone who gives this witness of martyrdom," the pope said.Read More
Washington authorities apprehended a suspect in an incident involving an attack Dec. 10 against two security guards at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the largest Marian shrine in the United States, at the height of its busiest season.Read More
Christian Brother James Miller taught students and served as a vice principal at the La Sallian Christian Brothers school in this impoverished pocket of rural Guatemala. He also helped oversee a boarding home for male students from the surrounding indigenous communities.Read More
The U.S. Supreme Court Dec. 9 declined to take up a challenge to a Kentucky ultrasound law that requires a physician or qualified technician to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking an abortion and show the screen images to her.Read More
In a move that may signal Pope Francis' plan for the reform of the Roman Curia is close to completion, the pope has named Philippine Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.Read More
Sister Regina Lanahan, a Baltimore native and professed member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia for 64 years, died Nov. 27 at age 87 in Aston, Pa. A funeral Mass was offered Dec. 5 at Assisi House there.Read More
Pope Francis announced Dec. 8 that he has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Edwin F. O’Brien as Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.Read More
The Dec. 3 announcement by the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, that the Vatican has decided to postpone the beatification of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen has led to a grassroots effort to have Masses said all over the world to pray his beatification will go forward.Read More
Catholics are encouraged but not obligated to attend Mass Dec. 9 in honor of the observed solemnity. As always, Mass attendance on Sunday is obligated.Read More
Ignoring the reality lived by men and women today has caused a resurgence of old ideologies, such as populism, that inevitably do more harm than good, Pope Francis said.Read More
As an attorney with Becket, a religious liberty law firm, Luke Goodrich is proud to be able to make a difference while earning a livelihood. He sees his work as a calling from God.Read More
Two weeks after returning from the National Catholic Youth Conference, Isabel Sans remains moved by the spirit she encountered in Indianapolis, and not just from 20,000 like-minded pilgrims.Read More