In October, I saw a Facebook ad for "Pray More Novenas," a service which sends different series of prayer devotions via email. I decided to sign up and am really glad I did.I've completed three novenas and am currently on my fourth. The first was devoted to St. Therese ofRead More
One step, one punch, one round at a time is the mantra of Sylvester Stallone's Rocky Balboa in "Creed." This seventh "Rocky" film is an imaginative and somewhat gentle reboot of the blockbuster franchise.Read More
During our countdown to Thanksgiving, our children have been bringing home craft after craft.A toilet paper roll turkey.Construction paper pilgrims.A turkey standing on clothespin legs.A tall black pilgrim hat made out of paper.When our kindergartener came home from his class’s Thanksgiving feast earlier this week, I asked whether they hadRead More
During the recent U.S. Catholic bishops’ fall assembly in Baltimore, several bishops and one abbot, decided to skip dinner at the downtown Marriott Waterfront hotel, and walked several blocks to an inner city parish to share a simple meal with about 30 peace activists – myself included.Read More
We who wait in the darkness of Advent rejoice in the great light of the Incarnation we celebrate at Christmas. And sometimes we have problems sharing the joy of Christmas, and continuing to live as a people who have been saved by the birth of an infant 2,000 years ago.Read More
Almost five decades after Frank Pecukonis taught her to dance, Helen Palmer has taken the lead, shepherding him through grueling chemotherapy sessions.Read More