An investigation by the Diocese of Salt Lake City into a report that a consecrated host at a Catholic church allegedly was bleeding has concluded the host did not bleed and the change in its appearance was caused by red bread mold.Read More
When our kindergartener came home from school the other day, he was full of smiles and candy canes and energy.“Today Santa came to our school!” he told me. “And he was the real Santa, Mama! He knew my name! I didn’t have to tell him!”It wasn’t that he had aRead More
Bill and Norma ZarubaThe last time I visited with Bill and Norma Zaruba was April 18, at the first of five weddings my wife and I had the privilege to witness this year. The daughter of one of their nieces was being married. Attending that Mass at St. AthanasiusRead More
Pilgrims must beware of people who seek to use the Jubilee Year to profit off of them since salvation is a gift that cannot be bought, Pope Francis said.Read More