What would I want for our two boys? The answer: That they know their gifts as blessings from God, work hard to cultivate these gifts and never use their gifts to put people down but to lift people up.Read More
Pastors are not conceding anything to the laity by recognizing their role in bringing the Gospel to the world; the laity are just as much members of “holy, faithful people of God” as the clergy, the pope said.Read More
It’s Primary Tuesday in Maryland, and just about everyone on my social media feed is bombarding me with reminders to vote. I’ve even had several people tell me that if I don’t vote, I don’t have a right to complain. There’s just one problem: I can’t. IRead More
Four months after announcing it had hired the firm PricewaterhouseCoopers to conduct an external audit of its finances, the Vatican has suspended the work underway.Read More
My boys and I suffer from both dry, sensitive skin and even drier, complicated hair. Typical, drug-store brand skin and hair products only make our problems worse. For years, I’ve struggled to find a company that makes soaps, lotions, shampoos and conditioners that offer us the gentle, yet rich moistureRead More
Our 6-year-old and I went and stood in line to vote.“Are we voting for the president of the United States?” my son asked.Yes, I told him. We are, but we have to vote again in the fall before we know who the next president will be.“Of the whole United States?”Read More
Our job is to keep on tearing down barriers … to open the door of faith to any and all who are willing to walk through it to find the life and love of Jesus.Read More