“Catholics should be guided more by our moral convictions than by our attachment to a political party or interest group,” Archbishop Lori said.Read More
The archdiocesan planning process underway is a response to the call of Pope Francis to conversion of the entire church in the 20th century, according to the archdiocesan director of evangelization.Read More
In making these choices, right reason recognizes that some things are so morally flawed that nothing can make them right nor is there ever a good reason for choosing them.Read More
The Philippine bishops’ conference president has lamented “the slow erosion of Filipino values” as the nation presses on with its war on drugs that has killed thousands.Read More
Over the years, Sister Hildie, now in her mid-80s, has filled various roles at the all-girls high school – running the school store, tidying the building and organizing student clubs, to name a few.Read More
Pope Francis quietly prayed and offered words of consolation to survivors and those assisting in relief efforts after the devastating earthquake in Amatrice.Read More
As a child, I had longed for a dog to walk and play with and call my own. I never dreamed that a dog could teach me so much about love. But she did. And she changed my world.Read More
Cardinal McCarrick spoke of Mother Seton’s dedication to her sons in the Navy, and praised the service of the men and women in the armed forces.Read More