Dear People of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, The issue of a shortage of priests has always been with our Church. Whether in the early days of the newly reated Diocese of Baltimore or when European immigration was at its zenith, bishops have always contended with the issue of having enough priests to serve the spiritual...Read More
For the past 13 years the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life has designated June as a time for black Catholics to actively raise consciousness regarding abortion and acts of violence within our community. We all know stories such as this one that cuts into our hearts, making it throb with pain and warranting prayer....Read More
The Blue Ribbon committee chosen by Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien to develop a strategic plan for the future of the Catholic schools will hold 10 open-floor meetings.Read More
Pope Pius IX died in 1878. The longest-reigning pope in history spent the last eight years of his pontificate as the self-styled “prisoner of the Vatican, as the anticlerical forces of Italian reunification had incorporated the ancient Papal States into the new Kingdom of Italy. (Pius had instructed his army to fire one volley, “for...Read More
Feeling blue for several days after giving birth is normal. Yet about 10 percent of women develop postpartum depression, a state of intense feelings of sadness, anxiety and despair that last well past the average baby blues.Read More
In honor of Respect Life Month, parishes and ministries throughout the area are promoting the sanctity of life with special Masses, talks, prayer vigils and outreach during October.Read More
Last Sunday, at a mostly-full Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, hundreds of couples from throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore came together to celebrate the sacred call that is the vocation to married life.Read More
In his story which appeared in the May 9 edition of The Baltimore Sun, reporter Matthew Hay Brown chronicles Maryland’s up and down road to religious freedom by taking readers on a tour of Southern Maryland’s “Religious Freedom Byway.” The journey includes visits to places like Port Tobacco, St. Mary’s City and St. Clement’s Island,...Read More
It is an honor and pleasure for me to offer some modest reflections on “Nuclear Weapons and Moral Questions: The Path to Zero.” I am grateful to General Kevin Chilton and the U.S. Strategic Command for hosting this first annual Deterrence Symposium and for inviting me to be part of this impressive gathering.Read More
Knott Scholarship Funds announced the winners of its 2008 scholarship competition, funded by the Marion Burk Knott Scholarship Fund and the Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Scholarship Fund.Read More
When the summer sun and the thermometer rise, heat-related illness increases, especially for seniors, the very young and people who are overweight, ill, or working or exercising outside. These illnesses can become serious or fatal if not treated, according to the American Red Cross. Heat can affect older adults differently than younger people, and factors...Read More
Earlier this month, we celebrated Labor Day, a national holiday to honor working people. But for millions of Americans, there has been little cause for celebration.Read More