Difficult it would be to view a more buoyant, life-affirming series of life-size photos adorning a local store window. Smiling babies embraced by grandparents or chuckling invitingly to passersby – it takes up almost half a block on Howard Street in our city – and it is an abortion factory run by Planned Parenthood.Read More
The psalmist prays “The Lord hears the cry of the poor.” Who are the poor that God loves and hears? Who are the poor we meet in our daily lives? Who are included when the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “God blesses those who come to the aid of the poor”? What about the...Read More
Since the announcement of my new appointment as pro-grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem (and eventual departure from the Archdiocese of Baltimore), there have been many questions asked about how this news impacts my plans and priorities, specifically those related to the reorganization of parishes.Read More
For those present Jan. 12 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen(see Page 8), Deacon Rod Mortel’s homily on the tragedy that continues to unveil in his native Haiti one year after a devastating earthquake rocked the island nation, was, I hope, as moving for them as it was for me. For those who were...Read More
Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, Archbishop of Baltimore, announced several principal appointments March 25, as well as the designation of the first school to host the PRIDE (Pupils Receiving Inclusive Diversified Education) Plus program, which serves students with minimal learning disabilities.Read More
Don’t wait for spring to go cycling. “That’s a copout,” said Murray Davis, racing cyclist, former triathlete and owner of Performance Resources in Bel Air.Read More
The work that is traditionally called “The Acts of the Apostles,” could really be called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit.” In this, his second volume, St. Luke continues to recount “all that Jesus did and taught,” but now he is recounting how Our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished his work through his Holy Spirit directing...Read More
“We of Catholic Charities are a people of many faces – united by our belief in the infinite worth of every person and a singular commitment to cherish the Divine within us all.”Read More
This year, the Church’s celebration of the miraculous and timeless story of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Day coincided, just one day later, with our observation honoring the loving and powerful witness of the Holy Family of Jesus and his parents, Mary and Joseph.Read More