Last week I let Daniel pick out some yogurt at the store. He chose the kind that comes with M&Ms. Naturally he gobbled it all down and wanted more. But there was none left.So I took some plain yogurt and found a few M&Ms to drop into it. When heRead More
One night you’re trying to get your children to fall asleep when one of them says, “My nose really hurts when I push it here.”You look at his nose, which looks fine.You could worry. You could google “nose soreness” and read about all the horrible illnesses it could be.Or youRead More
Have I mentioned that it snowed last weekend? The snow is still here, although most of it has been shoved aside. Here are a few tips on how to survive a blizzard:Bake cookies.Live close to a teenager with a snow clearing business.If it’s too cold for outdoor play or you’reRead More
Five years ago today John and I boarded a plane to fly to China to meet our baby boy. Now he's 6 1/2 and getting ready to start first grade. If you're curious about the day we met our younger son, here you go. We are so blessed.Read More
Many nights as I’m cooking dinner, I look at the table where we need to eat and realize it’s covered.No, not with a tablecloth or plates or forks.It’s littered with homework papers and toys. There are pieces of mail and magazines. There are field trip forms and report cards andRead More
For years I wouldn’t get in the shower unless my husband was home. I could only imagine what havoc might occur if the children were unsupervised. At a certain point, I decided that if I put on a quick TV show, I could jump in the shower and jump outRead More
We lost our Internet access at home on Friday, and I couldn’t post my quick takes. I imagine you have found a few other things to read instead, but I don’t feel a week is complete without quick takes, so here we go!Read More
Last weekend Daniel had two birthday parties in one day. In keeping with my tradition of homemade cards, I took two chocolate chip granola bars and made a 7 on a folded piece of construction paper for the first one.The second one was a dog party, but Daniel didn’t likeRead More
Q. I’m confused about receiving Communion under both kinds after reading about the Diocese of Phoenix (CR, Sept. 29) and its new Communion norms restricting the cup. Do they apply to the Archdiocese of Baltimore?Read More