Three years ago today John and I met our younger son in China.So last night I told Daniel he could pick whatever he wanted for dinner today.“I want Ramen noodles and pasta and meatloaf,” said our 4-year-old. He also wants a cake shaped like China.I think I talked him intoRead More
As far as I can tell, the best thing about being the mother of a first grader is that your child can do his homework during the afterschool program. By the time I pick Leo up from school, his homework is finished. Some nights I still have a job to do,Read More
A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.―Proverbs 15:13Praying for peace with the boating community:When my husband George retired last March, he bought his first boat from one of our neighbors in Florida. And when we returned to our home on SingerRead More
The John Carroll Ring (Photo: JC Patriot) Congratulations to the John Carroll Class of 2015!!At 7 p.m. tonight, they will gather with classmates and loved ones for one of the best traditions of their high school experience in Bel Air: the reception of their John Carroll ring.This ring ceremony —and allRead More
Our peonies are blooming! In my second spring as an owner of a peony bush, I knew to watch for the ants crawling over the flowers before they bloomed.Who would ever think to put wax that ants love to eat over flower bulbs? Isn’t it amazing to watch the antsRead More