When we went car shopping last week, my father convinced us to leave our sons at home with him. Thank goodness we did.First of all, John and I are boring. We barely cared about the color of the car, never mind whether it could go underwater or carry as many peopleRead More
I know you have seen their photo… It was taken right before the wedding of U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Caleb Earwood and his bride Maggie last Saturday. And it’s popped up everywhere on social media feeds and on many news programs since their photographer Dwayne Schmidt posted it on his Facebook pageRead More
Parents have long worried about what goes on at college. Catholic parents, in particular, worry that their children will fall away from the faith, with peers pressuring them into abandoning religious practices and liberal professors swaying them from their religious beliefs. Concerned parents might go as far as keeping theirRead More
I had the opportunity to attend the Pope’s Mass on Sept. 23 in Washington, D.C., with 25,000 of my closest friends.If you were there too, I’m so very happy for you! If you weren’t, I wish you could have been, and I wish we could have crowded together against theRead More
We didn’t throw a friends’ party for Daniel this year, but don’t worry. He had a fantastic birthday. He actually burst into a spontaneous dance before opening his gifts. He took munchkins to school and it happened to be the day when the children get to shop for little giftsRead More
How did you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? I baked Irish soda bread last weekend and it has lasted all week, mostly because our children don’t eat it.My plans to invite ourselves over to my parents’ house for a St. Patrick’s Day feast fell through when Daniel wasn’t feeling well yesterday.Read More