
Prayers and good wishes: God bless the Class of 2015

Photos by Patti Murphy DohnIt seems as though every year goes by faster and faster…My first year of retirement from Campus Ministry has gone by in the blink of an eye.Now that the John Carroll Class of 2015, as well as all their senior high school peers across this
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Prayers for Austin and Perry: Two young sons missing at sea

 Perry Cohen and Austin Stephanos of Tequesta, Florida have been missing at sea since last Friday afternoonLife, as we know it, can change in an instant: Last Friday afternoon, two 14-year old boys from Tequesta, Florida, a small town in Palm Beach County, cruised through the nearby Jupiter Inlet to go
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7 Quick Takes Friday: Birthday-bonanza, gift wrap shortage, the team snack, Shorty the Pumpkin, and what we did instead of apple picking

Schools are closed today. For weeks I have had this beautifully planned day with our day care situation well in hand.Then our older son got a birthday invitation for late in the afternoon. OK, I thought. So I’ll leave work a little early.Then our younger son got a birthday invitation for
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7 Quick Takes: Happy New Year, setting reasonable goals, a patron saint, advice, Rudolph’s Chinese New Year, and some of my favorite blogs from 2015

Happy New Year! It’s a leap year, too! So very exciting. I only know two people with Feb. 29 birthdays, but this year they will get to celebrate on their birthday for the 10th time. That means I am turning 40 later this year, but let’s not dwell on that,
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7 Quick Takes Friday: A trip to the ER, car problems, baptism gifts, baby names, and an act of kindness

When I arrived at school to pick our sons up on Tuesday, our younger son was holding an ice pack on his thumb. It had gotten caught in a door—a big heavy metal one—and he said it hurt.I had stopped for chicken nuggets for the boys so I could pick
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40 is the new 39, birthday celebrating, shoe shopping, octopus in a bottle, and fishing with strangers

The night before my 40th birthday we lost electricity. It was hot and humid, and we had to fumble around in the darkness to get ready for bed. Losing power always makes me more appreciative of what I have, and this time was no exception.Especially when the electricity came back
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31 Days of the Little Way: A Connection from the Past

Sometimes when our children ask us whether something in the house belongs to Mama or to Baba, I remind them that everything we own isn’t “mine” or “his,” but “ours.”The story I am sharing today is John’s, but since I’m his wife, it’s ours—or, at least, he’s letting me tell
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31 Days of the Little Way: Cooking a Fondue Dinner on a Weeknight

Some days are just packed with little moments where I discover holiness in ordinary life.I saw it in the smile of the teacher who waved as I dropped off our boys at school.When I stopped at the grocery store, I witnessed it in a friendly exchange among strangers in line
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7 Quick Takes Friday: Now that the blogging challenge is over, Halloween, our little saint on All Saints Day, and looking ahead to Thanksgiving

After blogging every day during October, you might think I would have loads of free time. I should at least have taken up crocheting or screen painting—or caught up on some sleep. Sadly, no.I really enjoyed the daily blogging challenge, and I would definitely do it again. I loved that
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7 Quick Takes: Enjoying the pseudo-spring, lost and found items, The Andy Griffith Show, more Pokemon, and more

We are enjoying the most beautiful weather. I know this isn’t how February is supposed to be in Baltimore, and I know our boys were rooting for some snow—and some snow days—but you won’t hear me complaining.We’ve spent some marvelous time outside, all without gloves and hats and…dare I say,
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Young Catholic urges donation of money

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Rich Halvorson is counting on 10 million Americans to fast with him Ash Wednesday, Feb. 21, and to donate the money they would have spent on food to what he terms “highly efficient” charities. Mr. Halvorson, a 25-year-old Catholic from Boise, Idaho, believes the donations could reach $50 million. The charities he’s...
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