Whenever our boys see a minivan that is the same make, model, and color as ours, they yell out, “Look! There’s our cousin!” I am totally on board with the idea that our minivan might have cousins on the road.Somehow, though, even though they have been doing this for aRead More
“You are going to LOVE Inside Out,” my 8-year-old niece told me. “It is the best movie!”So I took her, two of her siblings, and our two sons to see it. Our boys claimed they didn’t like it, but they laughed many times and asked enough questions that I’m notRead More
When we signed our boys up for soccer, I figured they would get some exercise, learn some new skills, and experience what it’s like to be part of a team.What I didn’t realize is that they would also learn that you don’t stop playing just because of bad weather. AtRead More
Happy Friday! I enjoy meatless Fridays much more than I should. I love fish sticks, canned tuna and salmon, every kind of fish I’ve tasted (unless eel is a fish), and I don’t need meat to make me happy. So I should probably be giving up something additional on Fridays.AlthoughRead More
What a troubling time. So much violence. So much anger. I went to a vigil today because I felt it was the right thing to do. I didn’t think I was going for myself. But I came away with a sense of peace and gratitude for my community.I was thinking about whetherRead More
Don’t ask me what our children are dressing up as for Halloween. We have no idea. I’m pretty sure they want to be rare Pokemon characters who are not available in costume form, although I’ve also heard Minecraft characters mentioned. I’m also pretty sure I’m not going to be learningRead More
Halloween is Monday, and I am making toilet paper ghosts. Tell me I’m not the only one.I’ve really been enjoying all the Halloween decorations in our neighborhood, but these lights I saw at my friend’s house last night are just adorable.And we can’t wait to go trick-or-treating. Happy Halloween!Read More
I celebrated my half-birthday this week. When I say I celebrated, I mean that it was, in fact, my half-birthday, not that there was a party of any sort. We rode in an elevator, which is sort of like a party for us.One of my boys gave me two half-hugs,Read More
Kimberly Hartman has been eagerly planning her June wedding for months now and after searching through typical father-daughter wedding songs, she and her parents decided on Heartland’s “I loved her first.” It is tradition for the father of the bride to dance with his daughter on her wedding day. This is the last dance that...Read More