Archbishop Lori kicked off the fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom on Sunday (June 21) at the Baltimore's Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. With the theme "Freedom to Bear Witness" to the truth of the Gospel, the fortnight runs until the Fourth ofRead More
We gained two new great-nephews this week. Before you start doing the math to see how old I might be, I should tell you that they are rats.I’ve shared here before that our 12-year-old niece has an affinity for rats. Two of her three rats died over the summer, and poorRead More
This week I am blogging about our lives every day for the Week In My Life series Kathryn is hosting at Team Whitaker. I have no time to do this. Truly, I don’t. I have been spending the week doing writing for my full-time job in the evenings, and thatRead More
Suddenly I am “Mom.” I have always been “Mama”—which is also the Chinese term—but suddenly I have become “Mom.” I am not sure how it happened, but here I am. And it’s our younger son who is calling me “Mom” instead of “Mama.”I knew it would happen at some point.Read More