Our younger son has a bad cold, so we decided to keep him home and go to separate Masses.Not long after I told our boys the plan, they started setting up “Mass” for their stuffed animals in the living room.I can’t remember the first time we held a pretend Mass,Read More
At the beginning of the school year our younger son asked to join the parish children’s choir. I don’t know whether our 6-year-old has any natural musical talent, but I do know that he loves music. I was happy he was so excited to try something new—and that it wasRead More
Our Christmas tree is up! I can’t believe it. I thought this might be the year for a Christmas Eve tree-decorating event, but the tree is in place, the stockings are hung, and we are done. I’m not sure whether I have all the gifts I need, but some ofRead More
Summer is over. There I said it. Now that we’ve gotten past that, it’s time to embrace the fact that school is back in session or will be soon.As I revealed in my last post, even teachers are somewhat reluctant when the end of August rolls around. But one ofRead More
The late timing for this year’s fourth Thursday of November finds us just cleaning up from the Thanksgiving feast as we rush to dust off the Advent wreath. The new liturgical year starts this weekend with this sacred season of waiting and preparation. The first Sunday is Advent commences with theRead More
"Mankind is a great, an immense family... This is proved by what we feel in our hearts at Christmas." —Pope John XXIII The Close of the Christmas Season: The weeks leading up to Christmas are usually busy, sometimes stressful and overwhelming, and often sentimental for families. Those with growing children can findRead More