
7 Quick Takes Friday: Talking recycling on Earth Day, work-life balance, being called your sibling’s name, board games, baseball, and Achy Breaky Heart

Happy Earth Day! Our kindergartener is learning all about recycling. He stopped me the other day when I threw something—I think it was a used sandwich bag—into the trash.“We can re-use that!” he said. I suppose we could, though he is clearly more creative and resourceful than I am.Then he
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7 Quick Takes Friday: Continued birthday celebrations, Old Bay pasta, Pokemon hunting at the beach, school supplies, and how we pack for the beach

We spent last week at the beach, and I have so much to share with you from our trip. I’m hardly sure where to begin—well, besides sharing what it’s like to vacation as a group of 27. Tune in for that post soon.Because we were at the beach for my
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31 Days of the Little Way: Greeting Our Children at Mass

Last week we learned that our older son would be reading a petition at the school Mass today. So even though I had to slip out of work for a little while to go, I went.It was the third grade’s turn to assist with the Mass. They read and brought
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31 Days of the Little Way: Just What I Needed to Hear

One day last week I was home with our children when the phone rang. It was a man from our health insurance company, offering to call me every month to discuss how our family could make healthier choices.“That’s great,” I said. “I just can’t think of any time we could
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7 Quick Takes Friday: Someone turned 9, that elusive extra hour, enjoying autumn, dirty dishes, and more

We have a brand-new 9-year-old in the house! I can’t believe Leo is 9. It really is astounding. And yet when I look at him, I can see how mature he is in so many ways. I wonder whether I will love 9 as much as I have loved 2,
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7 Quick Takes Friday: How Lent is beginning in our household, celebrating Dr. Seuss, grocery shopping with a book, a rainbow, and more

Ah, Lent. Here you are. Coming in with a stomach virus. That’s just fine. I had decided I would not pick my own sacrifice this Lent, and that I would let God take control. So somehow I wasn’t surprised when I had just slipped into bed on Ash Wednesday and I
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Canadian court OKs three-parent family

OTTAWA (CNS) -- Pro-marriage and Catholic groups have called for a federal government study after the Court of Appeal for Ontario recognized three parents for a child living with a lesbian couple.
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Committees in House of Delegates hear testimony on same-sex marriage

ANNAPOLIS – Catholic leaders continued their campaign in support of traditional marriage Feb. 10, testifying before members of the House of Delegates against a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland.
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Movie Review: The Five-Year Engagement

An impoverished presentation of marriage is the principal problematic aspect of "The Five-Year Engagement"
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