It’s July! This is my favorite month of the year, and it’s not a coincidence that it happens to be the month I was born. Summer is my favorite season, July is my favorite month, and…well…who doesn’t love celebrating birthdays? Especially when you’re turning 40. But I still have 25Read More
During bedtime prayers last night, our younger son prayed that the weekend would start Friday morning. So if that happened, that’s why!And, if not, let’s hope for a wonderful Friday that feels almost like a weekend. But either way, let’s hope the weekend is coming quickly, especially if you feelRead More
No one wants to be the last parent to pick up from after-school care.I always feel like Ping, the duck who worries about being the last to climb on the boat. He knows the last duck gets a smack on the back. He hurries and rushes to get in lineRead More
It’s 2016. So our sons rarely get mail. In fact, if you take out the bills and the ads and the Amazon packages full of chicken soup, John and I don’t get much either.Many nights I almost forget to check the mailbox, and my husband pulls it out when heRead More
If you’re looking for an update on the mouse in our house, here’s the latest.We surrender. We’re just going to let him roam free. I don’t know how well this is going to work, but we don’t have the stamina to keep trying to catch him. The sticky traps haveRead More
WASHINGTON – A wave of teenage – and preteen – lobbyists descended upon Washington Jan. 31 to make the legislative case for Catholic schools on a variety of issues, including educational choice. They were Catholic school students themselves and were at the Capitol for the annual National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools, part of the...Read More
By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review “On entering the tomb they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe, and they were utterly amazed. He said to them, ‘Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Behold the...Read More
Colder and melancholic weather within this dignified liturgical season of Advent led me to a fine dining restaurant offering great ambiance, familiar and comforting foods, all elevated with technique and elegance.Read More